Lesson Plan: The United States Congress authorizes the Medal of Honor

This lesson plan teaches high school students about the history and significance of the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government.

History - General

Lesson Plan: The United States Congress authorizes the Medal of Honor

Lesson Details

Subject: History

Grade level: High School

Duration: 1 hour

Learning Outcomes

  • Know the history and significance of the Medal of Honor
  • Understand the criteria for receiving the Medal of Honor
  • Can explain the impact of the Medal of Honor on military culture and society


This lesson will be delivered through a combination of lecture, discussion, and group activities.


  • Textbook or online resources on the Medal of Honor
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with Medal of Honor criteria and examples
  • Group activity materials (paper, pens, etc.)


  1. Introduction (10 minutes): The teacher will introduce the Medal of Honor and its significance in military culture and society.
  2. Lecture (20 minutes): The teacher will provide a brief history of the Medal of Honor and its criteria for receiving.
  3. Discussion (15 minutes): Students will discuss the impact of the Medal of Honor on military culture and society.
  4. Group Activity (15 minutes): Students will work in groups to research and present on a Medal of Honor recipient.
  5. Conclusion (5 minutes): The teacher will summarize the key points of the lesson and answer any remaining questions.


Assessment will be based on participation in group activities and a short written reflection on the impact of the Medal of Honor.

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