Exploring Literary Devices: Creating a Storyboard

This activity engages students in exploring various literary devices by creating a storyboard for a short story.

English Language Arts - 7th

Exploring Literary Devices: Creating a Storyboard

Title: Exploring Literary Devices: Creating a Storyboard

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts - Grade 7

Subject: English Language Arts

Summary: This activity engages students in exploring various literary devices by creating a storyboard for a short story.

Topic: Exploring Literary Devices through Storyboarding

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify and analyze literary devices in a short story
  • Create a storyboard to visually represent the elements of a story
  • Apply knowledge of literary devices to enhance storytelling


This activity will be conducted in a collaborative and hands-on approach, allowing students to actively engage with the content. The steps involved are as follows:

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Short story excerpts or a collection of short stories
  • Storyboard templates or blank sheets of paper
  • Art supplies (colored pencils, markers, etc.)
  • Access to a computer or tablet for digital storyboarding (optional)


  1. Introduce the concept of literary devices to the students, providing examples and explanations for each device.
  2. Read aloud or assign short story excerpts to the students, ensuring that each story contains multiple literary devices.
  3. Discuss the literary devices present in the stories, encouraging students to identify and analyze them.
  4. Explain the concept of storyboarding and its purpose in visual storytelling.
  5. Provide storyboard templates or blank sheets of paper to the students.
  6. Ask the students to choose one of the short stories they have read and create a storyboard that visually represents the key elements of the story, including characters, setting, plot, and the identified literary devices.
  7. Encourage creativity and artistic expression in the storyboard creation process.
  8. For students who prefer digital storyboarding, provide access to a computer or tablet with appropriate software or online tools.
  9. Allow students sufficient time to complete their storyboards.
  10. Once the storyboards are completed, ask students to present their work to the class, explaining the literary devices they have incorporated and how they enhance the storytelling.


To assess student learning, the following criteria can be used:

  • Accuracy and depth of literary device identification in the short story
  • Creativity and coherence of the storyboard
  • Effective incorporation of literary devices in the storyboard
  • Clarity and articulation during the presentation

By the end of this activity, students should:

  • Know: The definition and examples of various literary devices
  • Understand: How literary devices enhance storytelling and contribute to the overall meaning of a text
  • Can do: Create a storyboard that effectively incorporates literary devices to visually represent the elements of a story
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