Exploring the Human Body: The Digestive System

Engage eighth-grade students in learning about the digestive system through hands-on activities and group discussions.

Health Education - 8th

Exploring the Human Body: The Digestive System

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the main organs and functions of the digestive system
  • Understand the process of digestion
  • Can explain the importance of a healthy diet for proper digestion


This activity will involve a combination of hands-on exploration, group discussions, and multimedia resources to engage students in learning about the digestive system.


  • Poster board or large paper
  • Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
  • Printed diagrams of the digestive system
  • Access to a computer or tablet with internet
  • Online videos or interactive websites about digestion


  1. Begin the activity by discussing the importance of the digestive system and its role in overall health.
  2. Divide the students into small groups and provide each group with a printed diagram of the digestive system.
  3. Ask the students to label the different organs of the digestive system on their diagrams.
  4. Encourage the students to discuss the functions of each organ as they label them.
  5. Once the diagrams are complete, have each group present their labeled diagrams to the class, explaining the functions of each organ.
  6. Next, guide the students in a discussion about the process of digestion. Use visual aids, such as online videos or interactive websites, to help illustrate the process.
  7. After the discussion, distribute the poster board or large paper to each group.
  8. Ask the students to create a visual representation of the digestive system using their artistic skills. They can draw, color, and label the organs on the poster board.
  9. Encourage creativity and accuracy in their representations.
  10. Once the posters are complete, have each group present their artwork to the class, explaining the functions of each organ as they point to them on the poster.
  11. Conclude the activity by discussing the importance of a healthy diet for proper digestion. Emphasize the role of nutrients and fiber in maintaining a healthy digestive system.


To assess the students' understanding of the digestive system, you can:

  • Observe their participation and engagement during group discussions and presentations.
  • Review their labeled diagrams and posters to ensure accuracy and understanding of the organs and their functions.
  • Ask open-ended questions to gauge their comprehension of the digestion process and the importance of a healthy diet.
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