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Fine Arts - 7th

Exploring the World of Fine Arts: Creating a Collage

Title: Exploring the World of Fine Arts: Creating a Collage

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Visual Arts

Subject: Fine Arts

Summary: This activity engages seventh-grade students in the world of fine arts by creating a collage, allowing them to explore various artistic techniques and express their creativity.

Topic: Creating a Collage

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the elements and principles of art
  • Understand how to use different artistic techniques
  • Can create a collage using various materials and techniques


This activity will be conducted over a series of lessons, allowing students to explore the elements and principles of art, learn about different artistic techniques, and create their own collage. The lessons will include a combination of teacher-led instruction, group discussions, and hands-on activities.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Art supplies (scissors, glue, colored paper, magazines, etc.)
  • Visual aids (posters, images, etc.)
  • Internet access for research (optional)


Lesson 1: Introduction to Collage and Elements of Art

  1. Begin the lesson by introducing the concept of collage and its significance in the world of fine arts. Show examples of famous collages and discuss their elements and principles of art.
  2. Engage students in a group discussion about the elements of art, such as line, shape, color, texture, and space. Use visual aids to illustrate each element.
  3. Assign a short research task for students to find examples of collages that demonstrate the elements of art. They can use the internet or art books for their research.

Lesson 2: Exploring Artistic Techniques

  1. Review the elements of art from the previous lesson and discuss how they can be incorporated into collages.
  2. Introduce various artistic techniques that can be used in collages, such as cutting, tearing, layering, and overlapping. Show examples and provide demonstrations.
  3. Allow students to practice these techniques by creating small sample collages using scrap paper and magazines.

Lesson 3: Creating a Collage

  1. Provide each student with a large sheet of paper as the base for their collage.
  2. Encourage students to brainstorm ideas for their collage, considering themes, colors, and the elements of art they want to incorporate.
  3. Allow students to gather materials such as colored paper, magazines, and other art supplies to use in their collage.
  4. Guide students as they create their collages, providing assistance and feedback as needed.


  • Group discussions about famous collages and their elements of art
  • Research task to find examples of collages
  • Practice artistic techniques by creating sample collages
  • Create a final collage using various materials and techniques


  • Formative assessment during group discussions and hands-on activities
  • Observation of students' engagement and understanding during the creation of their collages
  • Summative assessment through a reflection activity where students explain their artistic choices and the elements of art they incorporated into their collages

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11 months ago
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Visual Arts

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