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Physical Education - Pre-K

Fun with Movement: Exploring Different Ways to Move

Title: Fun with Movement: Exploring Different Ways to Move

Compliance Standard: National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Standards

Subject: Physical Education

Summary: This pre-kindergarten activity focuses on introducing young learners to different ways of moving their bodies through fun and interactive games and exercises.

Topic: Exploring Different Ways to Move

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know various ways to move their bodies
  • Understand the importance of physical activity for health and well-being
  • Can demonstrate different movements through games and exercises


This activity will be conducted in a group setting, allowing children to interact and learn from each other. It will involve a combination of guided instruction, free exploration, and interactive games.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Open space (such as a gymnasium or outdoor area)
  • Cones or markers to create boundaries
  • Music player and upbeat music
  • Props such as scarves, hula hoops, and bean bags


1. Begin by gathering the children in a circle and discussing the importance of physical activity for their health and well-being. Use simple language and examples they can relate to.

2. Introduce the concept of different ways to move their bodies, such as walking, running, jumping, hopping, crawling, and skipping. Encourage them to share any other movements they know.

3. Explain that they will be playing a game where they get to explore and demonstrate these movements.

4. Set up the boundaries using cones or markers to create a designated play area.

5. Play upbeat music and encourage the children to move around freely within the boundaries, exploring different ways to move their bodies. They can walk, run, jump, hop, crawl, skip, or create their own movements.

6. After a few minutes, pause the music and introduce a prop, such as a scarf. Demonstrate a specific movement using the prop, such as waving the scarf in the air while spinning around.

7. Encourage the children to imitate the movement using their own scarves. Repeat this process with other props like hula hoops and bean bags, introducing new movements each time.

8. Resume the free exploration phase, allowing the children to incorporate the new movements they have learned into their play.

9. Repeat steps 6-8 with different props and movements, ensuring that each child has the opportunity to try them all.

10. Conclude the activity by gathering the children back in a circle and discussing their favorite movements and props. Reinforce the importance of physical activity and encourage them to continue exploring different ways to move their bodies.


Assessment for this activity can be done through observation and informal questioning. Observe the children's engagement, participation, and ability to demonstrate different movements. Ask open-ended questions to assess their understanding of the importance of physical activity and their ability to recall and describe the movements they learned.

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10 months ago
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Standards

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