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Computer Science - 1st

Introduction to Computers

Title: Exploring the World of Computers

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics

Subject: Computer Science

Summary: This first grade activity introduces students to the basics of computers and their importance in our daily lives.

Topic: Introduction to Computers

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know what a computer is and its basic components
  • Understand the importance of computers in our lives
  • Can identify and use basic computer tools and applications


This activity will be conducted in a whole-class setting, with the teacher leading the discussion and guiding students through hands-on activities. The lesson will include a combination of teacher-led instruction, group discussions, and individual practice.


  • Computer or laptop with internet access
  • Interactive whiteboard or projector
  • Printed pictures of computer components (monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.)
  • Art supplies (colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc.)
  • Worksheet handouts


Step 1: Introduction (10 minutes)

Begin the lesson by asking students if they know what a computer is. Write their responses on the board and discuss their ideas. Then, explain that a computer is an electronic device that helps us do many things, like playing games, watching videos, and learning new things.

Show pictures of different computer components (monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.) and ask students to identify each one. Explain the purpose of each component and how they work together to make a computer function.

Step 2: Importance of Computers (10 minutes)

Discuss with students the importance of computers in our daily lives. Ask them to think about how they use computers at home or at school. Write their responses on the board and encourage a class discussion.

Explain that computers help us communicate with others, learn new things, and have fun. Give examples of how computers are used in different settings, such as schools, hospitals, and offices.

Step 3: Hands-on Activity (20 minutes)

Divide the class into small groups and distribute printed pictures of computer components. Instruct each group to cut out the pictures and create a collage of a computer on a sheet of paper. Encourage creativity and allow students to use art supplies to decorate their collages.

After the collages are complete, have each group present their work to the class. Ask them to explain the different components they included and why they are important.

Step 4: Computer Tools and Applications (15 minutes)

Introduce students to basic computer tools and applications. Show them how to use a mouse to click and select items on the screen. Demonstrate opening a web browser and navigating to a kid-friendly website.

Provide each student with a worksheet handout that includes simple tasks, such as clicking on specific objects or typing their name using the keyboard. Allow students to practice these tasks individually or in pairs.

Step 5: Wrap-up and Assessment (5 minutes)

Review the key concepts covered in the lesson, including what a computer is, the importance of computers, and basic computer tools and applications. Ask students to share one thing they learned during the activity.

Assess students' understanding by collecting their completed worksheet handouts and reviewing their collages. Look for evidence of comprehension and engagement throughout the lesson.

Extension Activity:

For an extension activity, encourage students to explore computer-related books or websites at home and share their findings with the class. This can be done through a short presentation or a written reflection.

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5 months ago
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics

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