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Physical Education - K

Fun with Fitness: Exploring Movement and Coordination

Title: Fun with Fitness: Exploring Movement and Coordination

Compliance: Meets Common Core State Standards for Physical Education in Kindergarten

Subject: Physical Education

Summary: Engage your kindergarteners in a fun and interactive activity that promotes movement, coordination, and physical fitness.

Topic: Physical Education - Movement and Coordination

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the importance of physical activity for overall health and well-being
  • Understand basic movement concepts such as balance, coordination, and spatial awareness
  • Can perform a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements


This activity will be conducted in a group setting and will involve both individual and cooperative tasks. It will incorporate a combination of physical exercises, games, and creative movement activities.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Open space (e.g., gymnasium, playground, or classroom with cleared area)
  • Cones or markers to create boundaries
  • Music player and upbeat music
  • Various props (e.g., scarves, bean bags, hula hoops)


1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

Start the activity with a fun warm-up to get the students' bodies moving and their hearts pumping. Play some energetic music and lead the students through simple exercises such as jumping jacks, toe touches, and arm circles.

2. Locomotor Movement Stations (15 minutes)

Set up different stations around the designated area, each focusing on a specific locomotor movement. For example:

  • Station 1: Running - Students run from one cone to another and back.
  • Station 2: Skipping - Students skip around a designated area.
  • Station 3: Galloping - Students gallop like horses from one cone to another.
  • Station 4: Hopping - Students hop on one foot from one cone to another.

Divide the students into small groups and assign each group to a station. Instruct them to practice the assigned locomotor movement for a few minutes before rotating to the next station. Encourage them to use proper form and technique.

3. Non-Locomotor Movement Activity (10 minutes)

After the locomotor movement stations, gather the students in a circle and introduce a non-locomotor movement activity. For example:

  • Activity: Scarf Dance - Give each student a colorful scarf and play some music. Instruct the students to move their scarves in different ways, such as waving them in the air, twirling them around, or tossing them up and catching them.

Encourage creativity and self-expression during this activity. You can also incorporate simple movement concepts like high and low, fast and slow, and big and small.

4. Cool-down and Reflection (5 minutes)

End the activity with a cool-down period to bring the students' heart rates back to normal. Lead them through gentle stretches and deep breathing exercises. Afterward, gather the students in a circle and ask them reflective questions such as:

  • What was your favorite movement activity today?
  • How did you feel during the different movements?
  • Why is it important to stay active and move our bodies?

Allow each student to share their thoughts and encourage active listening among the group.


Assessment for this activity can be done informally through observation. Observe the students' participation, engagement, and ability to perform the different movements. Take note of their understanding of basic movement concepts and their ability to follow instructions. You can also have individual discussions with students to gauge their comprehension and reflection on the activity.

Remember to provide positive feedback and encouragement throughout the activity to foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

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3 months ago
Meets Common Core State Standards for Physical Education in Kindergarten

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