Exploring the Elements of Fiction: Characters, Setting, and Plot

This fifth grade lesson focuses on teaching students about the elements of fiction, including characters, setting, and plot.

English Language Arts - 5th

Exploring the Elements of Fiction: Characters, Setting, and Plot

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to identify and describe the main characters in a story.
  • Students will be able to analyze the setting of a story and its impact on the plot.
  • Students will be able to identify the main events in a story and understand how they contribute to the plot.


This lesson will be taught using a combination of direct instruction, group discussions, and hands-on activities.


  • Chart paper and markers
  • Storybooks or short stories
  • Index cards
  • Art supplies (colored pencils, markers, etc.)


1. Begin the lesson by asking students to brainstorm what they already know about characters, setting, and plot in a story. Write their responses on chart paper.

2. Introduce the concept of characters. Explain that characters are the people or animals in a story. Show examples from a storybook or short story, pointing out the main characters and their traits.

3. Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a different storybook or short story. In their groups, students should identify the main characters and discuss their traits. They can use index cards to write down their findings.

4. Bring the class back together and have each group share their findings. Create a class chart with the main characters and their traits.

5. Transition to the concept of setting. Explain that the setting is where and when a story takes place. Show examples from a storybook or short story, discussing how the setting influences the events in the story.

6. Give each student an index card and ask them to draw a picture of a setting from a story they have read. They should also write a short description of the setting on the back of the card.

7. Have students share their index cards with a partner, describing the setting they drew. Encourage them to discuss how the setting impacts the story.

8. Finally, introduce the concept of plot. Explain that the plot is the sequence of events in a story. Show examples from a storybook or short story, identifying the main events and discussing how they contribute to the overall story.

9. In their small groups, students should create a visual representation of the plot of their assigned story using art supplies. They can use index cards or a large piece of paper.

10. Give each group an opportunity to present their visual representation of the plot to the class. Encourage them to explain the main events and how they connect.


  • Brainstorming session
  • Group discussions
  • Character analysis
  • Setting drawing and description
  • Plot visual representation


Assess students' understanding through:

  • Participation in group discussions
  • Accuracy of character traits identified
  • Quality of setting drawings and descriptions
  • Clarity and coherence of plot visual representation
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